Wednesday, 14 July 2010


  1. Hi Sophie,
    Love your layouts, i really must try scrapbooking but it SCARES ME!!!! don't know why! I see lovely pages like these and I get inspired to do something but then i can never get myself started!
    Welcome to blog land!
    Linds xx

  2. Gorgeous layouts!! I like your style!

  3. Hi sophie :)

    wow, I love your scrapbook pages. Like Lindsey said, its something I have never tried, it actually scares me too!...
    Your photography is fantastic, seriously!
    You have made these all look so special. I love your dog! :) I have 2 B/W English springers, and I always mean to do a mini scrapbook for each of them.... I might just have to give it a go! Welcome again to blogland xxalisonxx :)
